Earlier this month Hatch'd reported news of YSP Media's upcoming film 'Love & Other Chairs' The team behind the film have already managed to raise 79% of their £1,200 goal, now with less than one week to go they need your help to meet the total.
'Love & Other Chairs' is a darkly comic short film about a lonely, depressed, wreck of a man living in a house full of chairs. As Julian sits in his kitchen drinking tea, he recollects the time he first moved into the house and got married, and how every woman he met turned into a chair, including his wife.
"To help fund Love & Other Chairs we're looking to raise £1200 which will go towards costs for cast, crew, locations and to every department involved in the production. If we can raise the funds thanks to your generous contributions, this will go a huge way to ensuring that our short film is as successful as it can be. The funds will roughly be distributed to cover just some of the costs of:
-Expenses to cover transport, food and accommodation for the cast and crew
-Art and costume department costs for costumes & props
-Location costs
Contributions start at just £1 and go all the way up to £200. In exchange for your contribution and becoming a part of Love & Other Chairs, we're offering a wide range of fantastic perks, including but not limited to:
-Executive Producer and Associate Producer credits on the film
-Premiere invites
-Digital Development Folder including storyboards, shot lists and behind the scenes set photos
-Advance online screener of the film
-Exclusive set visit, walk on role or corporate/music video
-IMDB and film special thanks credits
For your investment you'll also be part of a collaborative project with a dedicated crew committed to making Love & Other Chairs reach festivals and audiences around the world. Any contributions and support are massively appreciate by the whole team. Take a look on the left to see the contributions and perks and we hope you'll consider backing Love & Other Chairs and making this film a reality."
To back the film head over the Crowdfunding page on Indiegogo and follow the films progress on &